Powys County Council

Powys County Council

Thank you to Powys County Council who signed the charter on 20th September 2019 providing protection for their 8,000 employees.

Powys County Council’s Cabinet Member for HR, Cllr James Evans, said:
“The wellbeing of our staff is paramount and we are delighted to be signing this charter in partnership with our trade unions. To further this work, we will also be reviewing our policies and providing additional guidance to staff in due course.”

RS Components


Thank you to RS Components who signed the charter on 20th September 2019 providing protection for all of their employees.

President of Group Professional Services and People, Ian Haslegrave, said:
“RS Components is committed to supporting employees who become terminally ill, and have done so in the past. We have policies and services in place to support both physical and mental wellbeing in our workplaces across the UK. We are delighted to sign this charter in support of the campaign.”

Bridgend County Borough Council

Thank you to Bridgend County Borough Council who signed the charter on 19th September 2019 providing protection for their 3,000 employees.

Chief Executive of Bridgend County Borough Council, Mark Shephard, said:
“As a responsible employer, it makes perfect sense to want to support staff who might find themselves in such a situation, and to help them at a time when they are at their most vulnerable. “Bridgend County Borough Council fully supports the principles and aims of the Dying To Work charter, and I am delighted that the authority has become one of the many organisations to have signed it.”

NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership

Thank you to NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership who signed the charter on 19th September 2019 providing protection for their 2,239 employees.

Managing Director of NWSSP, Neil Frow, said:
“We are delighted to sign this charter in partnership with our Trade Union Partners and colleagues, as a demonstration of our ongoing commitment to our employees. By signing the charter it demonstrates our commitment to support and protect the rights of our employees who become terminally unwell. We are extremely proud as an organisation of our employees and aim to support the wellbeing of each and every employee, especially during a time when they are most vulnerable.”

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Thank you to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board who signed the charter on 19th September 2019 providing protection for their 14,500 employees.

Director of Workforce & OD, Martin Driscoll, said:
“Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is a time of huge emotional stress, fear and uncertainty. We want our staff to be secure in the knowledge that if they do find themselves in that position, we will do all we can to support them. We recognise that safe and reasonable work can help maintain dignity, offer a valuable distraction and in itself be therapeutic, and will provide employees with the security of work, peace of mind and the right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families. Ensuring that all employees battling terminal illness have adequate employment protection and their death in service benefits protected for the loved ones they leave behind will help to remove unnecessary stress and uncertainty at an already difficult time.”

Digital Health and Care Wales (Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru)

Digital Health and Care Wales (Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru)

Thank you to Digital Health and Care Wales (Iechyd a Gofal Digidol Cymru) who signed the charter on 19th September 2019 providing protection for their 600 employees.

CEO of Digital Health and Care Wales, Andrew Griffiths, said:
“As an NHS Wales organisation, we are committed to ensuring our staff are always fully supported throughout their working life here. We are proud to sign this charter today and to back a campaign that seeks to protect employees who become terminally ill and empower them to make their own decisions.”

Health Education and Improvement Wales

Thank you to Health Education and Improvement Wales who signed the charter on 19th September 2019 providing protection for their 400 employees.

CEO of HEIW, Alex Howells, said:
“I am pleased that HEIW is one of the first Health organisations to sign the Dying to Work Charter in Wales which will offer protection to staff with terminal illnesses.”

North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust

Thank you to North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust who signed the charter on 16th September 2019 providing protection for their 5,500 employees.

Director of Workforce for the leading Teesside trust, Alan Sheppard, said:
“Our Trust has always been committed to ensuring our staff feel valued during their employment with us. "At such a critical time, we are pledging to support staff in their choices. Our culture is one that is focused on inclusion, we could not think of a more appropriate way to further herald our commitment to supporting colleagues. We are certainly very proud to be the first NHS trust in the North East to pledge.”

Pembrokeshire College

Thank you to Pembrokeshire College who signed the charter on 11th September 2019 providing protection for their 500 employees.

Human Resources & Payroll Manager, Julie Havens, said:
“The College’s most valued resource is its staff. We have always been, and continue to be, committed to supporting staff and their families in whatever way we can during a terminal illness.”

Livewell Southwest

Livewell Southwest

Thank you to Livewell Southwest who signed the charter on 4th September 2019 providing protection for their 2,396 employees.

Livewell Southwest associate director of HR & engagement, Angela Saxby, said:
“Livewell Southwest is delighted to sign up to the Dying to Work Charter with our union colleagues. This reinforces our commitment of being a kind, respectful, inclusive, ambitious and responsible employer. “We work closely with unions to support the wellbeing of our employees and signing up this pledge will offer further support to colleagues and their families at a time when they need it should they be diagnosed with a terminal illness.”