Routes to Work Limited

Thank you to Routes to Work Limited who signed the charter on 19th March 2019 providing protection for their 67 employees.

Chair, Harry Curran, said:
“As a registered charity which seeks to improve the lives of unemployed residents of North Lanarkshire, the Board of Trustees of Routes To Work are committed to providing the best possible set of terms & conditions of employment & working environment for all our staff. Having previously had first-hand experience of managing the impact of a terminal illness diagnosis on a member of staff, we felt it appropriate to try and learn from this experience and to re-double our efforts to ensure that all possible supports be put in place to provide security of work and peace of mind for any member of staff who may face a similar situation in future. We see the TUC’s campaign and associated charter as a key tool in enabling us to achieve this and are delighted to sign-up and be associated with the voluntary charter.”


Thank you to Wienerberger who signed the charter on 6th March 2019 providing protection for their 1,200 employees.

Human Resources Director, Carole Goodwin, said:
“We had no hesitation in signing up to this Charter as this strengthens our commitment to what we already do. It is extremely important that as an organisation we do the right thing, more so to those who are terminally ill. Our staff and their families should feel supported not pressured and Wienerberger will do everything possible to ensure we support individuals and their family at their greatest time of need.”
National Officer, Steve Kemp, also commented:
"GMB are extremely grateful to Wienerberger for signing up to the important campaign ' Dying to Work ' and signing the charter. This shows that when trade unions and employers work together on issues as important as when people are suffering with terminal illness, then together we can make a difference to peoples’ lives. On this issue Wienerberger have been totally supportive which is nothing short of exemplary and it is of great credit to the company itself. In turn we hope other employers would do the same and take the same stance and leadership of Wienerberger in supporting this crucial issue.”

Bolton Cares

Bolton Cares

Thank you to Bolton Cares who signed the charter on 26th February 2019 providing protection for their 556 employees.

Chief Executive at Bolton Cares, John Livesey, said:
“I am very pleased to say that Bolton Cares has signed up to the TUC Dying to Work Charter. We truly believe this is a vital pledge to support and protect any of our employees who may be diagnosed with a terminal illness. We know how important it is to our employees to have the peace of mind that their jobs are protected and their families have financial security.”

Hull Culture and Leisure Limited

Thank you to Hull Culture and Leisure Limited who signed the charter on 21st February 2019 providing protection for their 541 employees.

Chair of the Board of Directors, Marjorie Brabazon, said:
“Those who are going through such a difficult time in their lives do not need additional worries and the Company prides itself on having the interests of our employees at heart.”
Managing Director, Mitch Upfold, said:
“The last thing any colleague should be worrying about if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness is experiencing any work related pressure. By signing this Charter today we aim to build on our existing policies for employees and affirm our support at an extremely challenging time.”

Employee’ Side Secretary, Karen Daniels, said:
“This charter gives people some control back over their future at a time when it is needed most.”

Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Thank you to Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust who signed the charter on 19th February 2019 providing protection for their 2,019 employees.

Chief Executive of the Trust, Lesley Writtle, said:
“We had no hesitation in signing up to this Charter. When people are terminally ill and at their most vulnerable, we believe it is extremely important that as an organisation we do the right thing, and that our staff members should not lose their dignity or financial security at the final stage of their life. "We want to send a message to staff that we are signed up to the Charter as another way of saying to that we will do everything possible to ensure we support individuals and their family at their greatest time of need.  One member of staff, on hearing that the Trust was signing-up emailed me to say how proud she was to work in an organisation that has signed the charter.”

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Thank you to Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service who signed the charter on 4th February 2019 providing protection for their 1,300 employees.

Chief Fire Officer, Chris Davies QFSM, said:
“It is of the utmost importance that Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service fully endorse and sign the Dying to Work Charter, as we hope it will provide a small amount of peace of mind for an employee and their family, during the most difficult of times. "I would like to thank Wales TUC Cymru, the Fire Brigades Union, Fire and Rescue Services Association, Fire Officers Association, UNISON and GMB for working with us to draft this Charter, which is specific to the needs of our employees. "Our core values are to treat people with respect; perform with excellence and to do the right thing. Should a member of our staff receive such a cruel diagnosis, it is important that he or she knows that, as a family, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service will support them to the best of our ability.”

Amber Valley Borough Council

Thank you to Amber Valley Borough Council who signed the charter on 31st January 2019 providing protection for their 243 employees.

Leader of Amber Valley Borough Council, Cllr Kevin Buttery, said:
“The council aims to be a model employer and values the contribution of its employees in the delivery and maintenance of quality services to the community. It is sensitive and supportive to those suffering the effects of ill health and signing up to the Dying to Work Charter is therefore entirely right.”

The National Library of Wales

Thank you to The National Library of Wales who signed the charter on 22nd January 2019 providing protection for their 250 employees.

HR Manager, Annwen Isaac, said:
“The National Library of Wales (NLW) is proud to sign up to the TUC's Dying to Work Charter.  It shows that we are committed to treating our staff with the dignity and respect they deserve when being diagnosed with a terminal illness.  NLW has always supported its staff in the best possible way, by signing this Charter it strengthens that commitment even more.”

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Thank you to University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust who signed the charter on 18th January 2019 providing protection for their 14,312 employees.

Executive Director of Workforce and Organisational Development, Dr Neil Pease, said:
“We are extremely proud as a Trust to be able to pledge our support to the Dying to Work charter. We value the health and wellbeing of each and every member of our staff and feel that it is crucial that our colleagues and their families get the support that they need should they be diagnosed with a terminal condition. We have recently reviewed the Dying to Work pledge as a Trust and agreed a number of changes to practice as a result, including extending sick pay for staff with terminal conditions and also providing additional training to managers to help support colleagues. Our staff do an amazing job every day caring for our patients, so it is absolutely essential that we are also able to be there for them when they need us.”

Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service

Thank you to Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service who signed the charter on 17th January 2019 providing protection for their 1,394 employees.

Chief Fire Officer, Neil Odin, said:
“This is about doing the right thing. As an organisation we pride ourselves on looking after our staff – especially in their times of greatest need. “By signing this charter we hope to reassure staff of the commitment and support we will offer should they suffer from a terminal illness. “We are proud to sign up to this important charter.”