
Thank you to Pladis who signed the charter on 2nd November 2018 providing protection for their 4,700 employees.

Head of HR Supply Chain, Neil Smith, said:
“We fully recognise the importance of signing this charter today. We are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels supported, especially in tough times like those that Dying to Work assists.”

South Derbyshire District Council

Thank you to South Derbyshire District Council who signed the charter on 1st November 2018 providing protection for their 325 employees.

Leader of South Derbyshire District Council, Cllr Martyn Ford, said:
“We fully support the Dying to Work Campaign and are happy to apply the principles of this charter to the policies of South Derbyshire District Council. “Those who are going through such an incredibly difficult time in their lives don’t need any additional worries and the Council prides itself on being an organisation that has the interests of its employees at heart.”

St Catherine’s Hospice

Thank you to St Catherine’s Hospice who signed the charter on 29th October 2018 providing protection for their 198 employees.

Head of Human Resources, Nikki Dobson, said:
“Our aim at St Catherine’s is to help people with life-shortening illnesses to have quality of life, until the end of life. Our whole ethos is centred around supporting our patients to continue doing the things which they enjoy and value, from spending quality time with their family, to continuing hobbies and if they wish, remaining at work. This ethos of course extends to our own members of staff, so we welcome this Charter and are proud to support it.”

Non-Standard Finance PLC

Thank you to Non-Standard Finance PLC who signed the charter on 19th October 2018 providing protection for their 800 employees.

Group Chief Executive & Founder, John P de Blocq van Kuffeler, said:
“At Non-Standard Finance PLC we strongly believe in supporting our employees at times of personal stress and difficulty. This demonstrates that we care deeply about our workforce and through this creates a culture whereby our employees genuinely care about our 200,000 customers. It is a therefore pleasure to sign the Dying To Work Charter.”


Thank you to CiC who signed the charter on 18th October 2018 providing protection for their 48 employees.

CEO of CiC, Kate Nowlan, said:
“CiC is an Employee Assistance Programme provider, supporting many thousands of people through different stages of life. We are delighted to become a Dying to Work signatory, demonstrating our commitment to supporting our own staff who may be diagnosed with a terminal condition.”

Derby City Council

Thank you to Derby City Council who signed the charter on 17th October 2018 providing protection for their 5,535 employees.

Leader of Derby City Council, Councillor Chris Poulter, said:
“The last thing any colleague should be worrying about if they are diagnosed with a terminal illness, is to experience any work related pressure. By signing this Charter today, we aim to build on our existing policies for employees, and affirm our support and commitment to our people at an extremely challenging time.”

Durham County Council

Thank you to Durham County Council who signed the charter on 17th October 2018 providing protection for their 8,098 employees.

Leader of Durham County Council, Cllr Simon Henig, said:
“I’m delighted to be signing the Dying to Work Charter on behalf of Durham County Council. Receiving a diagnosis of a terminal illness is already a time of huge emotional stress, fear and uncertainty and we don’t want our employees to be worrying about their jobs on top of that. We’re pledging to try to remove any avoidable stress and support employees to continue to work if they wish to do so.”

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

Thank you to University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust who signed the charter on 15th October 2018 providing protection for their 15,780 employees.

Director of People and Organisational Development at Leicester's Hospitals, Hazel Wyton, said:
“When our staff have a terminal diagnosis they require support and understanding and not additional stress and worry. “Terminally ill workers will be secure in the knowledge that we will support them following their diagnosis and we recognise that safe and reasonable work can help maintain dignity, offer a valuable distraction and can be therapeutic in itself.”

South Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Thank you to South Wales Fire and Rescue Service who signed the charter on 11th October 2018 providing protection for their 1,682 employees.

Chief Fire Officer, Huw Jakeway QFSM, said:
“At South Wales Fire and Rescue Service we have a very close team culture of helping and supporting each other; signing the TUC Dying to Work Charter with our representative bodies today is a clear demonstration that we will always care for our people and we are there to support them in difficult times.”

Colchester Borough Council

Thank you to Colchester Borough Council who signed the charter on 10th October 2018 providing protection for their 900 employees.

Leader of Colchester Borough Council, Cllr Mark Cory, said:
“As signatories of the Dying to Work Charter, we commit to treating our staff with the dignity and respect they deserve as well as providing them with the pastoral care and the reassurance of financial security while they cope with the stress of a life-shortening illness. We have always tried to support our staff in the best way we can, and this Charter strengthens that commitment even more. The last thing anyone with a terminal illness needs to worry about is their job.”