University of Liverpool

Thank you to University of Liverpool who signed the charter on 7th September 2022 providing protection for their 7,808 employees.
Has your employer signed the charter?
Thank you to University of Liverpool who signed the charter on 7th September 2022 providing protection for their 7,808 employees.
Thank you to PCC & Merseyside Police who signed the charter on 24th July 2022 providing protection for their 6,650 employees.
Merseyside Police Commissioner, Emily Spurrell, said:
“There can be no more traumatic time in life than dealing with the diagnosis of a terminal disease.
“It is crucial that any member of staff and their family in that devastating situation gets the best possible support and that includes employee protection.
“By signing up to the TUC’s Dying to Work charter, I hope we can provide security, respect and peace of mind to all of 6,650 employees in my office and within Merseyside Police that if the unthinkable happens we will be there to support and help them.
“By doing so we can guarantee staff dignity in the workplace and the right to choose the best path for them and their loved ones, ensuring they don’t have the additional worry of financial uncertainty."
Chief Constable, Serena Kennedy said:
“Anyone who receives the devastating news of a terminal illness faces a hugely worrying and challenging time and until any of us are in that position, we simply can’t imagine the huge emotional roller coaster that people go through.
“What we can do is consider and have plans and policies in place for the things that may cause our staff to worry about planning for their future and that of their families.
“The priority for Merseyside Police is to make sure that we have the right support in place for our staff and their families when they have received such devastating news.
“So in signing the TUC’s Dying to Work charter, our clear message to employees with a terminal illness is that they have the choice to do what feels right for them.
“Whether that is continuing to work or leaving to spend time with their loved ones, we will back them in their decision and give them as much support as we can.”
Now, they have taken the pledge, the details of both the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Merseyside Police will be added to the campaign website alongside all the other organisations which have taken the pledge, including Cheshire and Lancashire Constabularies and Dyfed-Powys Police.”
Thank you to Charnwood Borough Council who signed the charter on 7th April 2022 providing protection for their 477 employees.
Chief Executive at Charnwood Borough Council, Rob Mitchell, said:
“I’m pleased the Council has added its name to a Charter that supports any employee diagnosed with a terminal illness. Our aim is to support employees who are diagnosed with a terminal illness and to treat them with dignity and respect. We are proud to outline our commitment to the campaign by committing to and signing the Dying to Work Charter alongside our Trade Union colleagues.”
Thank you to Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Services who signed the charter on 24th March 2022 providing protection for their 2,362 employees.
Crown Agent, David Harvie, said:
“I am proud that COPFS has signed this charter demonstrating our commitment to providing security, understanding and support to colleagues with a life-limiting illness. This initiative builds on our existing support for staff and shows what we can achieve for colleagues when we work in partnership with our trade unions.”
Thank you to Scottish Fire and Rescue Service who signed the charter on 21st February 2022 providing protection for their 7,728 employees.
SFRS Chief Officer, Martin Blunden, said:
“We support the TUC’s Dying to Work Campaign and in signing the Dying to Work Charter, we show our continued commitment to the welfare of the staff of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
“The health and wellbeing of our staff is a priority and when employees are faced with a serious or terminal illness, it is important that they are able to choose the path that is right for them and their families, without having the additional worry of financial uncertainty. We hope that the signing of this charter will provide reassurance to our employees that they have the support of their employer at a time when they need it the most.”
Thank you to Manchester City Council who signed the charter on 15th February 2022 providing protection for their 7,250 employees.
Deputy Leader, Cllr Luthfur Rahman, said:
“We are proud to be a signatory to the TUC Dying to Work Charter. We want to ensure that every one of our employees feels supported throughout every stage of their life. The Council will treat employees diagnosed with a terminal illness with the utmost dignity and respect and recognise and support them with any physical and psychological challenges arising from their diagnosis.
"In line with the Charter the Council is committed to providing employees with the security of work, peace of mind and right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families which helps them through this challenging period with dignity.”
Thank you to Nugent who signed the charter on 27th January 2022 providing protection for their 600 employees.
Nugent’s Head of People, Hetal Mainwaring, said:
“We are really pleased to be signing up to the charter. Nugent employees (Nugent Heroes) are our most valuable resource, showing our commitment to supporting any staff member who is in the unfortunate position of having a terminal illness is of paramount importance to us. We are pleased to have worked in partnership with UNISON and signing up to the Dying to Work Charter today.”
Thank you to South Ribble Borough Council who signed the charter on 30th November 2021 providing protection for their 350 employees.
Leader of South Ribble Borough Council, Councillor Paul Foster, said:
“Terminal illness is something we never wish to think about but something that could be a reality for any of us. Dignity and respect are something that should be awarded to anyone who is facing the end of their life and it is abhorrent that so many individuals are faced with anxiety, stress and worry when faced with a terminal illness while at work.
“I’m so proud that South Ribble Borough Council has signed the Dying to Work Charter as it demonstrates our support and care for our employees in the hardest of times. Work should be a place where people can feel safe, respected and supported and I hope that more organisations across the region follow suit and sign the Charter.”
Thank you to Bassetlaw District Council who signed the charter on 23rd November 2021 providing protection for their 550 employees.
Leader of Bassetlaw District Council, Cllr Simon Greaves, said:
“A terminal diagnosis is devastating and is a time of huge emotional stress, fear and uncertainty. By signing the Dying to Work Charter we are ensuring that our people will be supported and that we can provide security of work and peace of mind during the most difficult of times.”
Thank you to West of England Combined Authority who signed the charter on 22nd November 2021 providing protection for all of their employees.
Metro Mayor, Dan Norris, said:
“This is about doing the right thing and workers and their families peace of mind.
“I want them to know that should anyone receive the very difficult news of a terminal illness diagnosis that their employer stands with them.
“Fundamentally, this is about giving those with a terminal illness the right to choose to stay in work, and to give them the dignity they deserve.
“I would urge other businesses across the West of England to sign the Charter too.”