Leicester Diocesan Board of Education


Thank you to Leicester Diocesan Board of Education who signed the charter on 16th November 2021 providing protection for their 3 employees.

Diocesan Director of Education, Carolyn Lewis, said:
“The Leicester Diocesan Board of Education is wholeheartedly committed to showing support of its staff team by signing the Dying to Work Charter. "The LDBE is a small charity which exists to serve church school education across the Diocese of Leicester, in 97 schools educating 23,000 children and young people. It is hoped that in signing the charter, LDBE inspires all schools and academy trusts to do the same. "If we aspire for children and young people to flourish, then we believe that staff should feel valued and supported at one of the most vulnerable times in their life.”

Cheltenham Borough Council

Cheltenham Borough Council

Thank you to Cheltenham Borough Council who signed the charter on 3rd November 2021 providing protection for their 240 employees.

Leader at Cheltenham Borough Council, Cllr Rowena Hay, said:
“Our people are at the heart of our organisation. It’s vital that employees have all the support they need during difficult times and that’s why we have signed up to the charter. We want to give peace of mind to staff and their families should the unthinkable happen.”

RNN Group


Thank you to RNN Group who signed the charter on 2nd November 2021 providing protection for their 750 employees.

Executive Director of HR, Jane Hartog, said:
“The Dying to Work Charter is an incredibly important commitment that we are, as an organisation, very proud to have signed up to. At the RNN group we recognise that the terminal illness of an employee requires the full support and understanding of us as an employer. “Our commitment to signing up to the Dying to Work Charter builds on existing policies within the group, which are in place to help employees in these devastating situations. “We are proud to be part of this incredibly important Charter and look forward to developing the values we share.”

Skills Development Scotland


Thank you to Skills Development Scotland who signed the charter on 22nd October 2021 providing protection for their 1,714 employees.

Director of HR, Carolyn Anderson, said:
“We believe the Dying to Work Charter embodies our approach to supporting colleagues during these difficult times and we look to provide support on an individual basis which is tailored for each person with the employee at the centre making informed decisions in relation to their needs. "Dying to Work enables our colleagues and trade union partners to be fully aware of our approach and allows us to work together to give colleagues reassurance that they or another colleague will be looked after sensitively.”

North Northamptonshire Council


Thank you to North Northamptonshire Council who signed the charter on 7th October 2021 providing protection for their 2,626 employees.

Chief Executive of North Northamptonshire Council, Rob Bridge, said:
“As Chief Executive of North Northamptonshire Council I am very pleased to have signed up to the TUC Dying to Work Charter, which sets out an agreed way in which our employees will be supported, guided and protected when they are diagnosed with a terminal illness. It is really important to me that we offer health and wellbeing support to all colleagues, particularly during the most difficult times for them. The charter will be displayed in all of our office locations as a clear statement of our commitment to our staff and this positive initiative.”

Gloucestershire Constabulary

Gloucestershire Constabulary

Thank you to Gloucestershire Constabulary who signed the charter on 22nd September 2021 providing protection for their 2,253 employees.

Chief Constable, Rod Hansen, said:
“We will always look out for our staff's health and wellbeing. To be diagnosed with a terminal illness would be hugely stressful for the individual and their family, and if we can help try and alleviate that stress in any way we will. I hope that by signing this charter we reduce anyone's anxieties about how we as an employer would treat them if they were ever diagnosed with a terminal illness."
Police and Crime Commissioner, Chris Nelson said:
“Police officers and staff often put themselves in harm’s way to help keep Gloucestershire safe, so I’m very proud to work alongside a Force which values the wellbeing of its staff. By signing this charter, our staff can be assured over their job security, as they navigate what must be a hugely traumatic time for them and their families.”

Torfaen County Borough Council


Thank you to Torfaen County Borough Council who signed the charter on 8th September 2021 providing protection for their 4,000 employees.

Head of HR, Jason Lewis, said:
“We consider ourselves to be a caring employer and the welfare of our staff is important to us. We will always act in the best interests of any employee who is diagnosed with a terminal illness and will do everything that we can to support both the employee and their family. Signing the Dying To Work Charter will reinforce our commitment to caring for staff who have been affected by this”

Forest of Dean District Council

Forest of Dean District Council

Thank you to Forest of Dean District Council who signed the charter on 7th September 2021 providing protection for all of their employees.

Leader of Forest of Dean District Council, Cllr Tim Gwilliam, said:
“Being diagnosed with a terminal illness; it’s the news that no one ever wants to hear, for themselves or for a loved one. "Here at the Forest of Dean District Council we are committed to helping our staff and their families. We are happy to sign this charter, ensuring that through what is already a difficult and distressing time that they will not have to worry about their financial stability and will be able to find the right support when needed.”

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council

Thank you to Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council who signed the charter on 13th July 2021 providing protection for their 470 employees.

Human Resources Officer, Ruth Copley-Jones, said:
“It was important for us as an organisation to sign this charter and show our commitment to supporting and protecting any terminally ill employees. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is not something that people should have to face without support, by signing this charter we hope that it formally recognises the support that we would give to our employees at the most difficult time of their life, this charter and the policy that we now have in place will help terminally ill employees to be able to make decisions that are right for them and their families.”

Ceredigion County Council

Thank you to Ceredigion County Council who signed the charter on 1st July 2021 providing protection for their 3,528 employees.

Prif Weithredwr, Eifion Evans, said:
“Bydd derbyn diagnosis o salwch terfynol yn newyddion torcalonnus i’r unigolyn a’i deulu. Fel Cyngor, rydym yn cydnabod pa mor bwysig yw hi bod ein gweithwyr yn gwybod y byddwn yn rhoi sicrwydd o waith iddynt, yn tawelu eu meddwl, ac yn rhoi’r hawl iddynt ddewis y camau gorau iddyn nhw a’u teuluoedd. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i’w helpu i ddelio â’r cyfnod heriol hwn gydag urddas a’u cefnogi i gyflawni'r canlyniadau gorau ar gyfer eu hamgylchiadau ariannol unigol.”
Chief Executive, Eifion Evans, said:
“Receiving a terminal diagnosis will be devastating news to the individual and their families. As a Council we recognise the importance that our employees know we will provide them with the security of work, peace of mind and the right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families. We are committed to helping them deal with this challenging period with dignity and that they are supported to achieve the best outcomes for their individual financial circumstances.”