West Sussex County Council

West Sussex County Council

Thank you to West Sussex County Council who signed the charter on 20th February 2021 providing protection for their 5,333 employees.

County Council Chief Executive, Becky Shaw, said:
“Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is not something anyone should face alone and as an organisation WSCC is committed to offering as much support and security as possible for any of our staff who finds themselves in such a position. It’s important staff feel valued whatever comes their way - in or out of work.”
Chief Fire Officer, Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, added:
“In our line of work as a Fire and Rescue Service, staff are bravely helping others in environments which are, by their very nature, extreme – so to show that they will always have the necessary support and can feel secure in the work they are dedicated to delivering is extremely important.”

Qualifications Wales

Thank you to Qualifications Wales who signed the charter on 29th January 2021 providing protection for their 80 employees.

Chief Executive, Philip Blaker, said:
Commitment to our staff is important to us at Qualifications Wales and I am proud to sign the charter in partnership with our Trade Union to show our continuing support. We have strong values and signing the charter will strengthen these as well as giving our staff the peace of mind at a difficult time and enable them to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families.

Humberside Police

Humberside Police

Thank you to Humberside Police who signed the charter on 15th December 2020 providing protection for their 3,460 employees.

Chief Constable, Lee Freeman, said:
“Our officers and staff help so many people in their times of need, so it’s only right that we do the same for them. Your job should be the last thing on your mind when you’re given a terminal diagnosis, so this commitment is about offering peace of mind for anyone in this situation. "We’re proud to sign up for this Charter which will only strengthen our values as an organisation.”

Powys Teaching Health Board


Thank you to Powys Teaching Health Board who signed the charter on 10th December 2020 providing protection for their 2,500 employees.

Director of Workforce, OD & Support Services, Julie Rowles, said:
“This charter formally recognises the support we give our staff and their families during the most difficult time of their life. We are fully behind the commitments within the charter and aim to ensure staff and their relatives are supported. This charter will enable managers to do all they can to help our employees to continue to work, if they so wish, during their terminal illness”

Buckinghamshire College Group

Bucks College Group

Thank you to Buckinghamshire College Group who signed the charter on 9th November 2020 providing protection for their 550 employees.

Buckinghamshire College Group, Principal and CEO, Karen Mitchell, said:
“Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is devastating for anyone and their loved ones. At Bucks College, we want to make sure that our staff, if faced with such an overwhelming diagnosis know they are supported through this challenging time with the security of work; and with dignity and peace of mind to make the choices and decisions they need. Signing this Charter is a positive and public declaration that we hope more employers will follow."
UNISON, Branch Caseworker and Organiser, Jim Williamson, said:
‘UNISON Bucks Area are pleased to recognise the important step taken by Bucks College Group in signing-up to the Dying to Work Charter and are committed to working with the college to help review, shape and introduce policies, procedures and, equally importantly, a working environment and culture that deliver(s) the key pledges contained within the charter’.

UCU, Branch Chair, Richard Dean, said:
"The last thing anybody needs when they’re diagnosed with a terminal illness is to be thrown out of work as well. We wholeheartedly welcome the Buckinghamshire College Group signing the Dying to Work Charter and we hope other institutions will follow their lead. The charter provides significant reassurance to members of staff and their families if they ever have to face the trauma of a terminal illness diagnosis."

NEU, Representative, Stuart Lindsay, said:
"The National Education Union (NEU) acknowledges and appreciates the commitment shown by the Bucks College Group to the Dying to Work Charter. Staff members and families of those who face the devastating news of a terminal illness will be reassured by the Group’s signing of the Charter. The NEU will be pleased to assist the College in bringing the ethos of the Charter to a practical, working reality.”

Wrexham Glyndwr University

Thank you to Wrexham Glyndwr University who signed the charter on 16th October 2020 providing protection for their 480 employees.

Organisational Development & Diversity Manager, Ali Bloomfield, said:
“Our staff are key to the success of the University and our students experience; their well-being is really important to us, building on the existing supportive mechanisms that the we already have in place.  We are delighted to have been able to sign the charter to show our commitment to ensuring that any member of staff with a terminal illness can feel assured of support and peace of mind at a time when they are needed most. "It will enable us as employers to provide our staff with the security of work, peace of mind and the right to choose the best course of action for themselves and their families, supporting them through a challenging time with dignity and without undue stress.”

Staffordshire Police

Staffordshire Police

Thank you to Staffordshire Police who signed the charter on 14th September 2020 providing protection for their 3,000 employees.

Branch Secretary of Staffordshire Police Unison, Rob Birch, said:
“By signing up to the Dying to Work Charter, Staffordshire Police is showing real commitment to the wellbeing of workers unfortunate enough to face a terminal diagnosis. Making this pledge should give reassurance to all that Staffordshire Police will work with UNISON to ensure our colleagues are cared for and supported at their time of greatest need.”