Thank you to NEU who signed the charter on 24th January 2020 providing protection for their 550 employees.

Joint General Secretary NEU, Kevin Courtney, said:
“I am proud to be signing the Dying to Work Charter on behalf of the National Education Union with our recognised trade unions, GMB and Unite. It will now cover our 550 employees. NEU is committed to ensuring that any member of staff faced with a terminal diagnosis is treated with respect and dignity and given all the support they need by their employer.”

West Lothian Council

West Lothian Council

Thank you to West Lothian Council who signed the charter on 17th January 2020 providing protection for their 8,420 employees.

Lawrence Fitzpatrick, Leader of West Lothian Council, said:
“By signing this charter we recognise that terminal illness requires support and understanding and not additional and avoidable stress and worry. "We support the TUC's Dying to Work campaign so that all employees battling terminal illness have adequate employment protection and have their death in service benefits protected for the loved ones they leave behind."
Julie Whitelaw, Head of Corporate Services for West Lothian Council, added:
"Terminally ill workers will be secure in the knowledge that we will support them following their diagnosis and that we recognise that safe and reasonable work can help maintain dignity, offer a valuable distraction and can be therapeutic in itself. We will provide our employees with the security of work, peace of mind and the right to choose the best course of action for themselves, and their families, which helps them through this period with dignity and without undue financial loss.”

North of Tyne Combined Authority

Thank you to North of Tyne Combined Authority who signed the charter on 16th December 2019 providing protection for their 30 employees.

North of Tyne Mayor, Jamie Driscoll, said:
“Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is about the worst thing that can happen to many people, it can upset everything in your life, and yet a lot of people are still in work when this happens. We’re calling for the law to be changed so that if someone is diagnosed they get protected status in their employment. And we think all good employers can do this anyway, which is why we’re signing up to it as the North of Tyne Combined Authority.”

Royal College of Nursing

Thank you to Royal College of Nursing who signed the charter on 13th December 2019 providing protection for their 1,050 employees.

General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, Dame Donna Kinnair, said:
“Living with a terminal diagnosis can cause huge emotional stress, fear and uncertainty for the individual and their loved ones. “At times like these we are committed to doing everything possible to remove any additional stress and worry for all those involved. “By signing up to this charter we are demonstrating how much we value all of those who work for us whatever the circumstances their lives may bring them.”
Head of People and Organisational Development, Liz Laughton, said:
“We want our people to feel supported in work, so making this commitment was something we absolutely wanted to get behind. Indeed it’s something we, as a trade union, are encouraging other employers to do.”



Thank you to Hovis who signed the charter on 28th November 2019 providing protection for their 2,700 employees.

HR Director, Pete Hill, said:
“For those who are given a terminal diagnosis, it is important that they can focus on themselves and their families without the stress of needing to worry about their employment. This is a practice that we have naturally adopted, so I did not hesitate in agreeing to sign the charter when asked to do so by our four unions, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers' Union (BFAWU), Unite the Union, United Road Transport Union (URTU) and Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW).”

Northumbria Police

Thank you to Northumbria Police who signed the charter on 28th November 2019 providing protection for their 5,092 employees.

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness, said:
“Your job should be the last thing on your mind when you’re given a terminal diagnosis. You need dignity, you need money – you need a responsible employer who will step up and help you through the difficulties that lie ahead. Our officers and staff help so many people in their times of need – it’s only right that our organisations do the same. This commitment is about offering peace of mind and the right to choose a course of action that’s right for you and your family. Every person battling terminal conditions should be able to choose how to spend their final months. I hope to see as many companies and organisations as possible sign up to the Dying to Work campaign to show employees that they are valued and will be given the support they rightly deserve.”

The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Thank you to The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust who signed the charter on 28th November 2019 providing protection for their 14,899 employees.

Trust CEO, Dame Jackie Daniel, said:
“It’s absolutely true to say that the people who work here are the most important part of the organisation. We could not provide such high quality care and services without everyone’s commitment and dedication to patients. "So, if a member of our team becomes terminally ill it’s vitally important that we provide them with the best possible care and support. “When a person is going through such a difficult time, they really shouldn’t need to worry about their work and by signing the charter Newcastle hospitals is committing to ensuring no member of staff will have to do that.”

Gower College Swansea

Thank you to Gower College Swansea who signed the charter on 22nd November 2019 providing protection for their 950 employees.

Principal, Mark Jones, said:
“Gower College Swansea takes the wellbeing of its staff extremely seriously and signing up to the Dying to Work campaign is the latest in a range of initiatives that we are engaged in to support staff. We are particularly pleased to be working with our unions to offer reassurances to staff that, if ever they are faced with the diagnosis of a terminal illness, we will be there to support them.”

New College Durham

Thank you to New College Durham who signed the charter on 18th November 2019 providing protection for their 550 employees.

Principal, John Widdowson, said:
“The College supports our staff as they work hard to respond to the needs of our students and the community we serve. The Charter affirms our commitment that any member of staff who needs that support themselves when faced with the devastating news of a diagnosis of a terminal illness they will be treated with respect and dignity. "The Charter also recognises that the families of our staff dealing with such news also need comfort and support. "We had no hesitation in signing the Charter. It reflects our current practice and reaffirms our commitment to support our people as they deal with life’s challenges.”

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust

Thank you to University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust who signed the charter on 14th November 2019 providing protection for their 13,000 employees.

Chair of both UH Bristol and WAHT, Jeff Farrar, said:
“As the Chairman of these Trusts, I cannot reiterate enough how important it is to put the health and wellbeing of our staff at the forefront of our minds. “That is why the way we show that we care and support our staff at such a difficult time is critically important. “I hope the charter goes some way to demonstrate and formalise this support”